{% extends "base/page_centered.html" %} {% block page_title %}Instructions{% endblock %} {% block extra_styles %} {{ block.super }} .icon { vertical-align: bottom; } {% endblock %} {% block main_content %}

Print a Paper Map

  1. Log in to Local Ground. Request an account if you don't have one already.
  2. Click on the Edit Map link (top, left-hand side of screen)
  3. Pan / zoom the map as desired and click the "Print" button.
  4. Create a new Project if you haven't already.
  5. Download the PDF. Print as many copies as you need.

Draw Your Places

  1. Draw / write on the maps with one or more colored pens. Make sure not to write on the bar code. Everywhere else is fine!
  2. MapImage your map or take a picture of it. MapImagening works best, but camera pictures are OK too. Make sure to include the entire map and barcode.

Upload Maps, Pictures, & Audio

  1. Click the Upload button / link, and select the kind of media you would like to upload. You may upload:
  2. You can either drag your map images onto the gray box or click the green button and browse to your map images.
  3. We will try to detect the kind of media you’ve dragged onto the page, but if it's a map of a form, be sure that the "file type" selection is "Map / Form", and then press the blue "Start Upload" button.

Organize Your Project

  1. Navigate to the Map Editor
  2. Click on the "Projects" menu, and click on the check box next to the project you'd like to view. Your data should appear in the panel on the right-hand side of your screen.
  3. Click on the arrows to expand your view, and click on the checkboxes to turn stuff on & off.
  4. Map your photos, audio and video by:
    1. Clicking on the "Edit" button (this puts the map into "edit mode")
    2. Dragging the icon next to the media file onto the map.
    3. After you've dragged, you should see the new icon directly on the map.
    4. If you want to add additional metadata to your media file, you can click on its icon again and fill out the form.
    5. Remember to click "Done" after you are finished.

Add or Import Data

Coming Soon!

Share with Your Friends!

You can share a link to your map by pressing the "Share" button on the Projects page. The visibility of your maps will depend on the option you select:

  1. If you select Public, Local Ground will provide a simple web address for you to host your map, like http://localground.org/maps/YourProject. Other people will also be able to search for and see your map from the Local Ground home page.
  2. If you select Private w/ Link, Local Ground will provide a complicated web address like http://localground.org/maps/SecretNumber so that only those people you send the address will be able to view the map. The map will also not show up on the Local Ground home page.
  3. Finally, if you select Private w/ Login, people will need a Local Ground login and explicitly be provided access to the map to view it.

We are working on new tools to present and visualize your data. Stay tuned for the next release of Local Ground!

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